Variety show

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Lately I've felt the urge to write stuff; stuff that other people might actually want to read. Stuff that they probably wouldn't want to read, because I don't imagine that I have insights that are particularly outstanding. But I do know that if I create something for an audience it become more real to me and I put in that little extra effort to cross my t's and dot my i's. And thus I am creating this blog. Unlike my training log, it will involve more words and less numbers. More thinking and less recording. More building of a mind than building base mileage.

I have several other blogs, each for its own audience and purpose. A private blog just for my own thoughts (which is often neglected). A blog of things relating to my work on Flight Sim (which some people apparently do read, because I get comments on that one). A blog about my experience with foot surgery. A blog about work-related stuff internal to Microsoft. A blog intended for friends on MSN groups which for some reason I can't take seriously.

My envisioned audience for this blog is people I don't know who are of similar mindset to me and my friends. People who like to think critically; people who question the norms; people who are interested in technology; people who are interested in the outdoors.

The name of this blog, "Because I am So Cool", is intended to poke fun at those people who write about their life ad nauseum. Some such blogs really are popular, perhaps because the people writing these blogs really are cool. And then there are the rest. And I will admit that in spite of myself I really do have aspirations of coolness. I would love to be interesting enough to warrant a readership of any sort... and yet I realize that the likelihood of this is about as great as that of Tom Cruise and I finally hooking up.

And the URL of the blog, she-jerd, is based on a new term I came across lately: "jerd". You know, a combination of a jock and a nerd. I'm not sure if I truly qualify as a jock, but I have definitely fit into the "athletic" category for as long as I can remember.

With that, I declare this blog open for business!